Nice to meet you, my name is Jeziane.
Currently 34 years old, I have been working for 4 years as a self-employed person in the area of quality of life and well-being. Serving everyone in Brazil and abroad online and in person in Uberlândia/MG.
Post-graduated nurse in Transpersonal Psychology - Complementary Integrative Therapies;
Specializing in Neuroscience and Behavior;
Graduating Psychology.
About me
I started on this path after going through some experiences and internal processes that became clearer and more understandable after some studies and therapeutic treatments. Since then, I continue with the aim of bringing people a little more understanding, balance and well-being, providing the necessary conditions for maintaining health. In addition to promoting quality of life and treating imbalances, it also makes individuals more aware of their own choices.
To serve those who seek not only a cure, but also self-knowledge, development, expansion and understanding of their own lives. The focus of Transpersonal Therapy is on human self-knowledge and resilience, expanding the way of seeing, choosing and consequently acting in the world. Today, I increasingly value this subtle movement of life...
You are very welcome!
Gratitude! :)