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It brings a differentiated vision of understanding the being in its fullness, considering the man as an integral being. Biopsycho-social-spiritual. Making clear the decoupling of spirituality from religions. In this sense, it understands and works the being as a whole, revealing its consciousness, and also its altered states, in what is beyond what is already known, the transcending, which is intrinsic to human nature. It encompasses philosophical, scientific and intuitive-sensitive knowledge, among other spheres to contemplate its work methodology.

In practice, this approach works in states and processes in which the everyday sense of (personal) identity is transcended, giving rise to a deeper or broader sense of who we are, a greater connection with ourselves and with existence (transpersonal). And often this expansion of consciousness generates important, beneficial and lasting changes in our lives.

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Jeziane Vieira (mastermind do Chitra)

Nurse and Transpersonal Therapist

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